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Putting plate 3 in 1 putting aid Putting plate 3 in 1 putting aid Putting plate 3 in 1 putting aid Putting plate 3 in 1 putting aid
Putting plate 3 in 1 putting aid Putting plate 3 in 1 putting aid Putting plate 3 in 1 putting aid
GM840 Golf Putting Plate
putting aid guide plate, distance marks for back swing & follow through
64,00 EUR   Stk/Pce
incl. 19% VAT | plus delivery costs
Item No GM840
Ready for dispatch 2-5 working days 2-5 working days
Quantity Stk/Pce

TRACK Putting Plate
Improve your putting
Practice putting with this perfect tool. The Putting Plate with mirror helps consistently square the face at impact. A Training aids to improve your putting stroke, alignment, contact and confidence

Guide plate and distance marks for back swing and follow through and an integrated mirror, a perfect training aid at home or in the office and a perfect golfer gift.


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